Taking Initiative to Make Education Accessible and Lead the Academic Comeback!


Our services build a foundation for students by equipping them with necessary tools needed to exceed their scholastic ambitions, and accomplish their academic comeback, free-of-charge

Academic Coaching Process

"The Academic Coaching service prepares students to take on any obstacle by giving strategies on how to efficiently study and problem-solve; this process ultimately leads students to take their own initiative and transform themselves into scholars."

Academic Comeback Initiative offers a service far more profound than tutoring; it's a 'team' working to overcome scholastic hardships. At ACI, we work to spark tenacity in students who want to make strides academically but need more foundation. No matter the situation, in order to lead a comeback, the process starts with a coach and a team that wants to win. This is why we call our process Academic Coaching. We offer the one on one work between "academic coaches" and students. We also give valuable advice needed to direct students towards carrying out their goals. The best part is that we fully work around our student's schedule to ensure academic coaching remains accessible to all students in Fairfield County.  

Each student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, therefore we accommodate to their needs accordingly. We offer academic coaching from K through 12th grade to prepare for subjects:

The Academic Coaching process can be held in person or virtually, whatever allows coaches to give students the necessary individualized attention. We are able to address individual questions and concerns in depth to foster a deeper understanding of concepts. We enables and encourage students to progress at their pace, rather than trying to force comprehension. We understand how school can be nerve-racking and self-advocating to teachers can feel daunting or even ineffective. We work to equip students with variety of 'studying' methods and cognition techniques like:

The definition of the word "study" is to devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject. A student studies in preparation of a quiz or test, however the process varies. In order to understand how to make a student's path to success easiest for them, it's important to recognize how they learn.  By giving students options and letting them choose what works, Academic Coaches are accommodating to how a student best comprehends a topic. This overall, helps better prepare our scholars  for their current and educational endeavors. 

The Academic Coaching Process goes beyond subject-specific work.  It also gives focus to broader academic skills such as organization, time management, and critical thinking. By providing students with these essential skills, they'll become better prepared to excel in their current subjects and in their future academic endeavors as well.

Many students have different perspectives on school, no matter the case, we aim to take students to new heights in their studies. The Academic Comeback Initiative turns students into scholars by individually tailoring their learning so that they can maximize their potential.